Elder Ivie

Elder Ivie

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

'Move week', New Missionary Reunion & Birthday week---'Woof Week' (10th email)

                To the most amazing family in the whole wide world!
                First off I FINALLY GOT THE PACKAGES THIS WEEK!!!!! BOOYAH!! Made my week when I saw those bad boys in my hands! And boy did they not disappoint. Haha momma im diggin the sweaters, although definitely wont be usin them here soon but hey if you got them for great price then go right ahead! Cant wait to use em! Ohhh mambas…american candy! Its gold here, im trying to not eat all at once. They are so addicting especially when I cant get them down here. Letters were amazing también, almost made me cry. Thanks Alexis for the amazing drawings, its good to see you havent given up your amazing talent of creativity! Send me a wizard geeb J hahaha love you so so much! Oh yeah and shout out to my bff Tommy Graham, thanks for the jelly straws!!! Hahaha good times, so weird but so dang good! Also the tooo sick drawings, guessed them all without cheatin!
                Ok now to my insane week as usual but extra crazy this week! Not a normal week, this week as I think you guys knew was move week. Yeah so Wednesday was the big day. What a mega insane day, I dont think I have ever moved out of a house that I lived in. Oh yeah and on top of that 15 years worth of missonary stuff left there también! Meaning like books coming out of our ears! Some of it was good stuff to keep however. A man came that day to help us, his name is Elder Pugmire. Kind of an older man that is serving a couple misión in the misión home. He helps with all the moves and basically is the fixer upper dude. He is awesome and what a trooper he is. It basically took all day to move us to the other house but he stuck with us. We were running everwhere trying to get everything packed up. So with many trips back and forth taking our luggage, furniture, and basically everything we finished! Oh yeah we had one big let up. It was a ginormous dresser me and Elder Castro use. Goodnight this thing was HUGE!! It took is almost 2 hours to get it down 3 flights of stairs! But hey we got it, with a couple of sore bodies and broken backs we did it! The new house is great! Lots of more space, clean, no cockroaches, and no fungus!! Woot woot! Then the day after, Thursday we head to Montevideo for the new missionary reunión thing! So that took up most of the day, we stayed the night in the hotel that I stayed in the first night in Uruguay a month ago!! Wow family a month ago! Crazy! Im almost to my first change. Anyways super nice hotel that the church runs. Then the next morning, everyone finally arrived and we had an awesome breakfast. It was so awesome to see all my friends from the CCM again. Then we had some meetings with the President and other missionaries. Awesome meetings, I learned so much and it got me pumped up to be better! And to improve on all the things Ive learned in the field. It took up most of the day, we finished at 3. We had a little time to go to the distribution center, which was super awesome. Got a mini spanish hymn book, and General Conference addresses in the Ensign!! GOLD! Now you know what ive been studying lately!
                Now that leads into my spiritual thought this week! Ive recently acquired this obsession of listening and reading talks. I wish I would have taken advantage of the words of the prophets more back at home. But thats besides the point, I stumbled across Elder Scotts talk last conference. I guess it wasnt a stumble, It was a prompting from the Spirit to read his talk I know it. It was what I need exactly. I invite you guys to go study that talk again. Its amazing, sometimes I forget how powerful the Atonement really is in our lives. I guess sometimes I take it for granted. I couldnt imagine my life without the love and power of the Atonement. Through my mistakes and faults in my life the power of the Atonement has healed them. I love the part where Elder Scott talks about when Captain Moroni built a breastwork of timbers to fortify the weak cities. Our sins bring not only short term but long term consequences sometimes. And its those fortifications in our life that prevent us from yielding to the temptations of Satan. As Elder Scott says those fortifications are built through, losing yourself in the service of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. What an amazing promise and thought that through faith and hope of the Atonement and Jesus Christ we can be clean from every wrongdoing. It is my testimony that my Savior Jesus Christ loves me and wants me to understand him more. And I know through the His Atonement I can accomplish that and become more like him.
                Thats what I got for this week pretty crazy week but goodie as usual. Love serving the Lord everyday and having the amazing opportunity to act in his place. My confidence is getting better, the Espanol is coming along. This week there shouldnt be too many distractions so Im just going to go ham on the language! Im ready for the challenge. Oh yeah our investigators of course! Ha busy week so we didnt get to visit a lot of them but we got to visit Francis. And he is doing so much better, hasnt smoked every since we had that awesome lesson! Most importanly he came to church!! He is so happy and doing so great! Umm that was basically all that was exciting, we just have been strengthening the menos activos (less activos) and really striving them to come back to church. This last week it went ok but not much time so this week we got a good goal set to bring em back! I will let you know how that goes this next week. Oh yeah Dad thanks for email this week. Its really those experiences that cause us to reflect how we got our testimony of the Book of Mormon and the góspel of Jesus Christ in general. Im so grateful for your example in following the truth and living the truth all throughout your life. I have been eternally blessed, especially now on my misson. Thanks so much dad loved the scriptures and testimony you shared. Love you so much! Your emails keep me going every week.
                Response to the your amazing email momma! Its going great here! Things are getting easier and im getting more adjusted to the missionary lifestyle. I cant believe you guys got snow!!!!!!! Actually I can believe it because its Utah but its just weird because its soooo hot here. You shouldnt be jealous mom! Holy Hannah its so humid all the time and I constanty feel sweaty and the mcnasty! But hey sort of getting used to it. But still not really diggin the humidity. Its good to hear Alexis´s concert went good. The students were probably going crazy because they did so good! I sure would. Who cares about the game go for the chimes! Woot woot! Haha Lone Peak will never be as good as they were. Unless Nick TJ ERIC TALON and such have kids in Highland and they play for Lone Peak haha! But hey best team in the state nice! J As of Saturday psh Ive got plans. Plans for the Lords work of course! Hahaha maybe we will get something. Idk not much time to go out for dinner but maybe ill buy a cake or some dulce! Hahaha not really sure but I love how you guys are keeping the tradition!!!!! And with the Franklins too!! Oh my goodness that just makes my soul full of joy! Ha cheesy but really sooo cool! Thanks so much where are you guys goin? I got lots of favorites! MICKEY DS!!! Hahaha jk. As for sports not too bad of a week. MY BOYS pulled it out! ¡¡Es muy importante!! Haha hope Aaron comes back next week. But its good to hear they have Flynn back and he is carrying them. Go Wisconsin FB too sick!! Dang good this year cant wait to see the result.
Who is BYU FB playin again?! And Wisconsin bball wow. Thats all I have to say! They are money this year. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shed a tear L That is such a tragedy. They deserved it. Oh bummer I still love em and they still could beat Uruguay! Thanks for everything  Momma and FAM! You guys are the best . Dont party too much this week without me! Haha peace love and blessing yall CHAO LOVE YOU!!

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